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12 FREE Indicators Bundle Membership Required: Premium or Basic

Banana Indicator (For TV)

You don’t have the Banana Indicator for TradingView membership. This is an addon indicator and requires an addon membership.

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Banana Indicator (For MT4)

How to Install Banana MT4

If you are not familiar with how to install custom Indicators in the Metatrader 4 Platform please search youtube for this term, “How to Install Custom Indicators in MT4”. 

Step 1: From your Metatrader 4 Platform go to File > Open Data Folder 

Step 2: Enter the Folder MQL4 then

Step 3: Copy and Paste File named iTradeAIMS_The_Banana.ex4  into folder name:  Indicators 

Step 4: Copy and Paste File named iTradeAIMS_The_Banana.dll in the Libraries Folder (Dll Files) into folder name:  Libraries (DO NOT RENAME THIS FILE or The Banaan Indicator will NOT work. 

Step 5: Close and Restart MT4

Step 6: Drag and drop  iTradeAIMS – The Banana indicator on to your chart and save the template. 

Extra: there is a Template file in the zip file as well, if you want to use. Install in Templates folder  (File > Open Data Folder >templates)

If you’re asked for a license activation after installation of Banana MT4, download the Show My Computer ID and share your computer ID via ticket here.



